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Events in June 2018 :: Visit of The Teen Challenge Team - 10 June 2018

Teen Challenge Banner On Sunday, 10 June 2018, we were blessed to have another visit from the Teen Challenge team from Ilford, although, of course, this was a complelely different team from our last visit in 2016. Four members of the team who are currently on the programme to set them free from drug addiction were introduced by their leader, Stephen.

                     Team Leader

After Stephen had explained the nature of Teen Challenge's work, the team members introduced themselves and later, each one shared their testimony of how the Lord had been and was working in their lives to set them free from the various drug addictions and the consequences which had previously plagued their lives. It was a thrilling time to just sit and listen to the mighty things that God is doing in their lives. Their testimonies can be heard by clicking on the link below.

audio symbol Teen Challenge Testimonies

Team Member Team Member Team Member Team Member

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